
Behold: Prisoners snorting cocain in Brazil

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SHOCKING footage shows dozens of prisoners

\"\"queuing up to snort 120 lines of cocaine which have been arranged on a table in a jail in southern Brazil.

The excited jailbirds were filmed openly taking drugs in a packed corridor of the prison, located in the city of Porto Alegre, as others queued up in single file behind them. A small handful of men appeared to be in charge, making sure the noisy prisoners didn’t knock the table over or treat themselves to more than their fair share. ( Source: The Sun. UK)\"\"

One of the lags even laughed as he posed for one of the inmates holding mobile phones in their hands after his illegal use of the drug.

Police have confirmed they are investigating the drug orgy, said to have taken place during a party organised by one of the gangs that control the jail.


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