
The BROADCASTSTAR of the MONTH……Flipping the Script

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It’s no longer news that the 7th edition of the supposed annual Nigerian Broadcasters Merit Awards (NBMA) is long overdue as its last edition was held 4 years ago[2016] and in Abuja to be precise. This is not unconnected to circumstances beyond the organisers, CrystalPearl Communications, control. And when it seemed the coast had cleared for the 7th edition of NBMA, the deadly Coronavirus struck!
However, as the world battles the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19, and all hands on deck for the 7th Nigerian Broadcasters Merit Awards, which is expected to be held very soon, there is a twist to the NBMA!\"\"
For Every three months (quarterly), a broadcaster will be honoured in a new platform tagged ‘The BROADCASTSTAR Of The Month.
Irrespective of the region (Lagos, South West, South East, South-South and the North) a nominees’ list will be drawn. The Nominees’ List will be thoroughly screened and pruned to five nominees to make the final list. And the winner will be decided through a transparent voting system.
1. Certificate Of Honour.
2. Cash gift.
3. Consecutive winner (3 times) will be honoured with a plaque and nominated for the annual Nigerian Broadcasters Merit Awards.
4. Personal interview will be conducted and syndicated in at least 2 major Newspapers or magazine and 1 popular blogs.
However, terms and conditions will be applied.
For more enquiries, call +2348062126969. @nbmawards


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